Commercial for National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Pittsburgh Steelers are in locker room, one of the players is Mean Joe Green. Football player carries a helmet around the locker room and discusses MS. Football players put money into the helmet. National MS Society emblem and words appear on screen. Commercial for your local Lung Association. Man blows into a machine in a lab. Scientist places nose plug around man's nose while he blows into the machine. The machine records the results. Narrator talks about workers being exposed to breathing hazards from dust. Man without a shirt is walking while being hooked up to a machine. Commercial for your Local Lung Association. Man opens door to house followed by woman and walks outside. She kisses him goodbye. Another man kisses woman goodbye at front door. Shot of two men walking to their respective cars. Their houses look identical. They each get into their cars. Shot of them at work at their desks, rowing on a river, standing next to each other holding two children each. They and their families are at a backyard picnic. One of the men lights a cigarette. Other man places a hamburger on a bun. CU of one of the men smoking. Narrator states these men are twins, but one will die first because he smokes.