Speakers attached to a pole. A rotating radar dish. UFOs flying above Washington DC. UFOs in front of the Capitol building, Westminster, the Eiffel Tower. Buildings being attacked by the UFOs. Soldiers firing on the flying saucers with anti aircraft weapons. A UFO flies into a station. A rocket taking off. A missile exploding on a UFO. A UFO shining a beam of light. A UFO flying low over a car. A couple and military personnel watch the UFO attacks on a big screen. Soldiers firing on a spinning UFO. People run in terror as a UFO hovers over Rome. A UFO lands on the lawn of the White House. Aliens zap soldiers with snipers and they disappear. The pillars of a great building are blown up and it begins to crumble. A small ball of light floats inside a building. A man throws something at it and it dodges. The light flies at the group of people in the room and they duck to avoid it. Crowds of people in different countries stand staring at something. Airplanes are shot down by beans of light from a UFO. A UFO destroys the Washington Monument. A man speaks into a radio as a woman sleeps.