MS of black man walking up to and shaking hands with a man in a green uniform (Contras). MS of line of green uniforms playing brass instruments. MS of two men walking with text: “Managua, Nicaragua.” Other men walking towards camera - some in suits, some in white shirts. LS of plane on tarmac with a crowd gathered around. Group of men and woman walking on tarmac. Soldiers marching with flags; MS of marching feet; LS of two lines. Crowds waving. MCU of two women clapping, cheering. MS of two rebels. LS of rebels walking towards camera. MS of man with long magazine of large rounds over his shoulder. MS of people carrying a coffin, woman out front crying. Head on MS of priest at podium in church. Shot of audience clapping. Camera pan over lines of people outside a building; MS of people. Rebel patrol walking towards camera in bushy area. LS of two dead bodies in foreground, line of people, some soldiers, standing by; another angle. Man talking to off-camera reporter on a living room couch, in LS and MCU, with text: “Edgar Chamorro, Rebel Leader.” Tilt down black plume of smoke, water being sprayed over, fire truck rolls into frame with text: “October 1983.” LS of boats in harbor, pulls back to show black smoke and fire adjacent to water.