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A commercial for Channel 38 coverage of the Boston Red Sox. A quick cutting montage of the slogan Keep Your Sox On and intermittent shots of baseball and Fenway park related activities. Shots of the park, the bleachers, the sign out front, the score board, the field, Channel 38 Broadcasting Logo’s. Scrolling text reading “Broadcast of Champions”. Unlocking a gate, the media box in the stadium, field maintenance. raising a flag, a player putting on a jersey, preparing stadium seats, unpacking concessions, selling tickets, admitting fans, more images of Channel 38 Television logos, Engineers preparing for airing the game, sports bar turning on the television, press gate being opened, Reporters in the press box, answering a phone, a player warming up, people tuning in their televisions, umpire calling “play ball”, a man biting into a hotdog, a pitcher winds up and throws, the batter swings. KEEP YOUR SOX ON 38.