Commercial for Jontue Fragrance. A woman with a white blouse and a man with a gray suit are standing at a bar. The girl starts a conversation with him. They are talking to each other and laughing. A really tall and stout guy wearing a brown jacket interrupts them and makes a fist. The man suddenly puts on his sunglasses. Trouble Fragrance and its elegant container on the table. Then the table is shaking. Another blonde woman is sitting next to the guy who is fallen out on the floor.A beautiful woman is putting on her dress. Close up of her side face. The woman with a hat is running to a small boat with a row on a lake. A man is on a ship in the sea. Close up her face. Numerous boatmen are coming. The woman is looking for someone. She runs on the beach. The man and the woman are together. Jontue Revlon Fragrance is on the sea. The couple is sitting side by side on the ship.