People are waving their hands to a man in white military uniform. The king is standing on the balcony and also waves his hand to the crowd responding to the cheers. He goes inside then many politicians applaud the man. One old man among them, a minister, stops the man and signs to go outside again. He gives a look to other politicians. The commissioned officer again raises his hand to people’s cheering. He comes inside again and takes off his white gloves. He sits on his seat, puts away the gloves and picks up the Grandee. Close up of Grandee inside. The secretary hurries, asks the king into going to the balcony again and the king looks at him. The king takes out a piece of cigarette and stands up. He finds a guy who looks similar with him. He calls him to come near and gives his hat to him. The guy looks puzzled. They change their clothes. The guy goes out to the balcony of the building and responds to the cheers. The king smokes Grandee sitting comfortably. Secretaries feel relieved and smile. Suddenly, it sounds the bang of a gunshot. The king looks at the minister and he mops his face and neck with his white handkerchief. Close up of Grandee logo.