Here's a rare 1970s commercial for "Sooth Away," a skin lotion meant to remove stretch marks.
Clip begins with a fairly young, attractive couple walking on a beach in their bathing suits.
The camera pans to a woman who is fully clothed, sitting on her towel at the beach; she looks sullen.
The man’s voiceover: "Embarrassed by stretch marks, and ashamed to wear a bathing suit? Not any more!" Close up of the Sooth Away bottle.
The product is described as filled with miracle ingredients and “amazing vitamin E.” It will not alter one’s “skin structure.” Simply apply the lotion to stretch marks anywhere on the body; and “now you see it, now you don’t.”
In her home, eager to rid herself of any stretch marks, the woman applies Sooth Away to her body. She looks at herself in a mirror; her dress is hiked up around her thigh, presumably one of the areas where she applied the Sooth Away. The woman appears to be happy with the results.
We then see this woman in a bikini, unafraid, running on the beach with her partner. The couple kiss each other. The voiceover tells us that Sooth Away, which is on sale for an exclusive TV offer for only $4.98, has a money-back guarantee. If the lotion doesn’t work, you don’t pay a penny.