Commercial for Gillette disposable Blue Blades; black and white animated commercial begins with music notes with the following words in each: “Look Sharp!” “Feel Sharp!” “Be Sharp!”; quick cut to drum roll and then a parrot falling into the screen with a square body guitar; dubbed song: “...and listen, Mister: how you fixed for blades? You do have blades? How are you fixed for blades?”; parrot spins around his guitar and it changes into a packet of Gillette Blue Blades when it stops spinning; dubbed song: “you better check! Please make sure you have enough, cause a worn out blade makes shaving mighty tough!”; parrot spins the blade packet, and it turns into a cello as it stops, which the parrot starts to play; dubbed song: “how are you fixed for blades? You better look--Gillette Blue Blades, I need!”; commercial ends with back side of Gillette Blue Blades packet in middle of screen.