Commercial and public service announcement for Action Volunteers; man walks between black and white (bleak) scenes to color (hopeful) scenes, with the Action Volunteer Group as the change agent to make life full and in color: “Problem: how to keep this young, scared, first-time offender from becoming a repeat offender? One solution? Action volunteers! Problem: a bright, 18 year-old who can only look at the pictures because she can’t read! One solution? Action volunteers! Problem: young kids with too much time on their hands, too little hope! One solution? Action volunteers! Problem: a community with practically no medical care. One solution? Action volunteers! If you’re a community leader, or a concerned citizen, and you’ve got a tough problem, you need professionals! You need Action! Action is skilled volunteers; people of all ages, with all kinds of skills, working to help solve problems, in your community, and around the world! If you’ve got a tough problem, write Action! Between us, there’s got to be a solution!”