Commercial for the Australian Tourist Commission; actor Paul Hogan walks through different parts of Australia, highlighting the many wonders of the country and enticing viewers to go; “G’day! Now, it’s come to my attention that some Americans still don’t know where Australia is! Well, I’ll tell ya exactly where it is! Australia is where the sun shines on thousands of miles of the world’s great beaches; it’s where you can go bush and get away from it all, or, just stay in town, and get amongst it all! It’s where wild, native animals run free in the untamed Australian outback; it’s where the fish are friendly, and even the birds have a sense of humor! Now, if you still don’t know where Australia is, it’s a pretty sure bet you know where your phone is, so pick it up and call this number, toll-free (a 1-800 number appears on the screen), for a copy of the Aussie Holiday book! And, when someone says, ‘where are you going for your holiday?’, say Australia! Oh, and if they say, ‘where’s that?’, tell them it’s where the America’s Cup is!”