Commercial for Colgate toothpaste; two preteen girls are at the cafeteria line ordering lunch, when one realizes that the other has just goteen her braces; male voiceover: “children who wear braces have to take special care of their teeth! They need Colgate! Most Colgate kids get fewer cavities! Do you know the average child gets a mouthful of cavities between the ages of 5 and 15? Even Colgate can’t guarantee just one cavity per check up, but but most Colgate kids don’t get so many. One reason: Colgate has MFP fluoride!”; now seated at a table, the girl in braces is introduced to a boy, whom, she discovers, has braces as well, and she smiles in relief; end shot with a box of Colgate toothpaste and banner: “only your dentist can give a better fluoride treatment!”