Chicago Coliseum entrance, with sign visible, and draped in flags. Camera tilts down. High angle LS of parade of cars with large crowds surrounding the street waving and cheering. Men in suits walking and carrying US flags. MS of Warren G. Harding facing camera. MS of old man next to woman and other men. Cars parked next to sidewalk, people with umbrellas going into building under “Entrance” sign. Long lines of women in matching long dresses with white coming out the bottom, carrying umbrellas. Opposite angle of their backs as they are walking down rainy street. MS of Charles W. Fairbanks facing camera; sitting down in chair. LS of Fairbanks walking among a crowd of men down a sidewalk, shaking hands. Sitting with family - wife and child on his knee. MCU of Fairbanks facing camera. Theodore Roosevelt sitting, surrounded by standing men. MCU of same shot, Roosevelt smiling. Shot of street with cars slowly driving down - lots of people inside with patriotic flags everywhere - possibly Roosevelt in the back. Deep crowds surrounded podium. A man and his horse saddle up to the podium and hand a bouquet of flowers over to Roosevelt. Roosevelt shaking hands as line of people go by him. MLS of Roosevelt standing slightly above the crowd behind him, facing camera, talking, and waggling his finger.