This clip contains various footage of a wildlife refuge in Alaska. It begins with a WS of the snow covered ground with a factory or building far off in the distance. Cuts to aerial footage of the building site. Cuts to a different aerial shot ant the name “Endicott” is superimposed over the shot. A WS of a tractor moving a long piece of piping. An exterior shot of pipes being covered in snow fall. Cuts to another aerial shot, this time of Prudhoe Bay. An animation showing how different pipes will bring up water and oil. A man walks through the snow. A WS of the snow with a visible cold wind moving across it. A similar shot. Another similar shot but with the figures of two animals far off in the distance. A POV of a truck driving down a snowy road. A MS of the truck. An aerial of the truck. An aerial of the vast empty lands of snow. A different shot of snow.