Senator Edmund Muskie is shown at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. The narrator says that Hubert Humphrey chose him to be his vice presidential running mate, and they are shown together in a still on screen. Shot of him at a podium with a red white and blue drape and his finger pointed making a speech. Narrator says that he was a frontrunner for the 1972 Democratic nomination.Shot of camera crews and people with microphones crowding around Muskie and Muskie standing on a platform in a black coat. He says “Attacking my wife... He’s proven himself to be a gutless coward.” Closeup on his face as he says “A good woman...” and appears emotionally perturbed. The narrator says he withdrew from the race after the outburst. Footage of people in the snow. Unclear shot of Muskie shaking hands with someone. Shot of Muskie discussing his support of a rescue mission in Iran.