Title Card: “Silk from China and Japan.” Crane lowering bundled together sacks of silk from ship onto pushcart. Man uses handcart to wheel a stack of the silk sacks to a ramp at a train car, where two other men toss them inside. The train leaves the warehouse, then moves through streets in a town. Shot of a 3D map showing the land contours of San Francisco. Moving arrows point back and forth between San Francisco and the ocean where the text “Alaska, Orient Australia, and Panama Canal South America” is superimposed over the map. Cranes lift huge barrels onto ship from dock. A couple different shots of ships cruising along in the sea, ending with a shot of the sea, devoid of ships, with a mostly clouded over sun in the sky. Video then cuts to an unrelated still image (of men looking at lists posted on a wall under a “The Second Front on the Home Front” sign) for the last 40 seconds of video.