Film promoting American capitalism as the best economic system in the world. This clip shows scientist playing with chemicals and a father and son at home. WS of two competitor building next to each other, ajax mfg.co and jo-jo mfg. co. Blinds in each building open to reveal a scientist in each building. Both scientists take a peek at what each other is doing. Zoom into WS of ajax mfg.co scientist. He plays with chemicals in test tubes and pours out a liquid which then burns a hole in the table. He then leans over on table and cries. Pan right to o-jo mfg. co. scientist where he too is playing with test tubes and pour out a liquid which then creates an orange stocking. The scientist becomes very happy and jumps around and dances. WS of ajax mfg.co building is shown then a sign which says bankrupt appears on it. Zoom out to LS of three buildings. CU of sign which says, “Wear Jo Jo Hosiery” while a leg does the can-can. Fade to a typical home. WS of little boy looking at radio. WS to little boy sitting on floor and dad on couch chair sleeping. Little boy changes the radio station and dad is awakened and frantic. Dad turns off the radio and goes back to sleep. Little boy is angry and phone rings which wakes dad up again. He rushes over to the phone, picks it up and throws it out the window then takes the base back with him. The phone has a cord and so the phone comes back in and hits the dad in the back of the head.