Begins with MCU of Pacino seated and speaking. Cuts to MS of a woman leaning on a bookshelf, a fireplace is on the right. Cuts to MCU in interior of a car, a man in a fedora is driving. Cuts to MCU of exterior of car as the man in the fedora opens the door. Cuts to MCU of the man holding his badge. Cuts to MCU of exterior of the car as Pacino enters and sits in the driver’s seat. Cuts to POV of the passenger of Pacino. Cuts to CU of the passenger. Cuts to CU of Pacino listening and nodding. Cuts to CU of passenger speaking. Cuts to CU of Pacino nodding. Cuts to MCU of Pacino on right leaning on a counter and a man with headphones around his neck on the left speaking to each other. Cuts to MS of a locker room, Pacino in a suit and hat walks through, a man behind him begins patting his chest, Pacino struggles. Cuts to MCU of the man throwing Pacino against a locker. Cuts to MS of Pacino walking past a desk, police officers behind the desk call speak to him. Cuts to MCU of Pacino in a bucket hat, zoom in as Pacino looks at the floor, then back up. Cuts to MS of a silhouetted man shooting a gun. Cuts to MS of indoor shooting range in which the target paper is being pulled towards the opening. Cuts back to MS silhouette, man shoots again. Cuts back to MS of target paper approaching window. Cuts back to MS of silhouette, another shot. Cuts to MCU of target paper approaching window. Cut back to MS, silhouette shoots. Cuts to CU of target paper. Cuts back to MS silhouette, a light turns on revealing Pacino holding a gun. Cuts to MS of Pacino and a man who is leaning against a wall, a cork board hangs in the BG. Cuts to MCU of Pacino and the other man’s shoulder in FG. Cuts to CU of Pacino’s hand knocking a switch blade out of the other man’s hand. cuts to MS of Pacino throwing the man to the floor, another man watches from the doorway. Cuts to MCU of Pacino pointing his gun at the man in the doorway, 2 men in suits watch in BG. Cuts to MS of Pacino walking around the corner of a building, 2 officers stop and watch him pass. Cuts to MCU TRACK of Pacino walking through police headquarters, officers stand along either side of frame, he enters a room. Cuts to MCU of a man smiling with his arm out the car window, he reverses. Cuts to MCU of Pacino, buildings in BG. Cuts to MCU of the interior of the car as the driver is laughing while he reverses. Cuts to MCU of Pacino climbing a ladder to a rooftop, ‘Al Pacino’ appears in the middle of the screen. Cuts to MS of Pacino running on a rooftop. Cuts to LS of men exiting a car. Cuts to MCU of Pacino running down a staircase inside a building. Cuts to MCU STILL of Pacino’s face on left side of screen, movie title’s appear at right, fade out. Cuts to the Motion Picture Association ‘R’ rating of the film.