Trailer for “The Three Musketeers”Begins with ‘Film Incorporated’ logo. Cuts to MCU of a man with a cross on his front, ‘20th Century-Fox’ text in middle. Cuts to MS of the man drawing a sword, other men and a church in BG. Cuts to MS of 3 men drawing their swords and charging, linens hang in BG, “The Three Musketeers” title in center. Cuts to MS of a man standing in front of white linen, another man approaches from the left and throws his sword in the air before punching the other man. Cuts to MS of a man in an office in front of a revolving book holder, he leans into it and falls over. Cuts to MCU of 2 men at a table sitting up to look at the man that has just fallen. Cuts to MCU PAN of a man standing up and running into a wooden ladder. Cuts to MS of a man drawing his sword and shouting, another man watches on the right. Cuts to MCU of a man with an eye-patch. Cuts back to MS of man who drew his sword, a sword enters from the left cutting the man’s sword in half, then the man on the right takes a hammer and knocks the man out and he falls to the ground. Cuts to MS of a room, many men are standing on a rug, a man in BG grabs the rug in an effort to pull it out from under them, instead the rug tears off in his hands. Cuts to MCU of 2 men kissing each cheek in front of a rock wall. Cuts to MCU of a women dumping a bucket of black liquid out of a window, PAN down to a man sitting under the window and being drenched. Cuts to WS of 2 windows with balconies, a man holding onto a vine swings in front of the right window. Cuts to MS of 2 women standing at the end of a long table, a man in a feathered hat slides down the table, knocking into one of the women. Cuts to MCU of a man watching a man in a polar bear costume juggling. Cuts to MCU of a man on a horse throwing something off screen. Cuts to MCU of a man’s head, his back to the camera, being hit in the head, people and pottery visible in BG. Cuts to MS of a man who is riding a horse but nearly falling off, the horse gets close to a tree and the man is knocked off the horse, a bridge is in the BG. Cuts to MCU of a rope and a sword cutting through it. Cuts to MS of a man standing by a shack being hit in the head by a weighted plank that was being held by the rope. Cuts to MS of a man and woman standing behind a table with a candle on it, the man makes groping gestures at the woman and she quickly hurries away from him. Cuts to MS of a man sitting and drinking near a large open well, he leans back to drink and falls backwards into the well. Cuts to WS of three men and a woman walking towards the camera, a man enters from off screen and runs into the woman. Cuts to MS of a man at a table throwing something off screen. Cuts to MS of a man and woman around a table, the man has a sword drawn and cuts through the air with it. Cuts to MS of 2 men outside, one has his sword drawn, the other falls to the ground face first. Cuts to MCU of a man with an eye-patch. Cuts to CU of a woman with a headdress smiling. Cuts to MCU of a man with a feathered hat waving his hand as a dismissal. Cuts to CU of a man turning around and facing the camera. Cuts to MCU of a woman turning around and facing the camera. Cuts to MCU of a man in a priest uniform bowing. Cuts to MS of a man riding a horse across the scene and another man diving for it, missing, and flipping to the ground. Cuts to MCU of a man throwing an object to the ground. Cuts to MCU of 4 men sitting on a table eating, another man sitting next to the table eats, “The Three Musketeers” title is in center, the title dissolves into a PG rating sign, the men eating become a STILL.