Trailer for “Together Brothers”. Fade in to a MS of a policeman walking away from the camera. Cuts to CU of a gun firing twice, the title “Together Brothers” appears in the center. Cuts to a young black boy with his eyes wide looking scared, title still in center. Cuts to a policeman in pain sliding down a wall, title in center. Cuts back to CU of gun firing, title center. Cuts to boy breathing heavily, title center. Cuts to MS PAN of a black teenager running outside with the boy in his arms around a house, NX. Cuts to MCU of the teenager holding the boy, a woman’s back is to the camera, the three of them are outside of a house. Cuts to MCU of a man’s shoe, his hand reaches down and he pulls out a knife. Cuts to MCU of the teenager talking. Cuts to MCU of the boy hugging the teenager around his torso. Cuts to MCU of the knife from the shoe and the man standing up. Cuts to MCU of a policeman walking out a barn door holding a large gun. Cuts to MCU of a man in a hat and opened button shirt talking in front of a white shack. Cuts to MS of policemen opening the doors of a barbershop. Cuts to MCU of a man’s hand holding a knife. Cuts to MS of policemen throwing black men into a police van. Cuts to MCU of 2 teenagers talking. Cuts to MLS of the back of a man’s boots, he stands in an attic. Cuts to MLS of 4 teenagers walking through an alleyway, “Together Brothers” title appears in center, they walk towards the camera. Cuts to MCU of a teenager talking. Cuts to MS of a man in drag, a blonde wig and dress, walking towards the camera. Cuts to MCU of a man’s hand holding a knife and walking. Cuts to MLS of the teenage boys kicking in doors in a long hallway. Cuts to MS of the man in drag, now in underwear and a robe, pulling hanging beads to the side. Cuts to MS facing up of a man jumping from a roof. Cuts to MLS of a man’s hand holding a knife, he approaches a window with bars on it, through the bars a young woman sleeping on a couch is visible. Cuts to MCU of a man talking. Cuts to to MLS of the man holding the knife walking in FG past the barred window, the woman still asleep on the couch. Cuts to MCU of the woman waking up and looking frightened as a shadow passes over her, a man steps into FG. Cuts to MS of the young boy jumping out a window and running. Cuts to MS of men and teenagers in a room, the teenager on the left points off screen. Cuts to MS of a man’s boots running where the little boy did and going down stairs. Cuts to MCU of the young boy hiding behind a rock. Cuts to MS of the teenage boys running down a dark alley. Cuts to MCU of the man’s boots stepping over planks of wood. Cuts back to MS of teenagers running. Cuts back to MCU of man’s boots. Cuts to CU of the young boy’s face looking shocked. Cuts back to MCU of boots. Various quick cuts occur of the boy’s scared face and the man’s boots. Cuts to MCU STILL of the teenage boys holding hands in the center and looking at the camera, “Together Brothers” title appears in center, a PG rating appears underneath.