Film is a demonstrational video that depicts to processing from picking to shops of America’s “5th largest processed vegetable crop”: Pickles. Clip begins with a MWS of a pick production line where female workers busy away. Cuts to MS and then CU of the pickle slicing machine as the narrator continues to describe the process the pickles undergo. MS of huge barrels being filled beneath the slicing machine. Cuts to MWS from a slightly above head height angle which centers on a long line of female workers as they “tightly pack” the pickle jars. Cuts to a MS and then CU of one very young look worker trying hard to get just one more pickle in the jar. Cut to MS of the brine bath, one ingredient in the liquid of the pickle jars. Cuts to a CU of the brine froth. Cuts to MCU of brine filled jars on a mechanical production line as more ingredients are added, cuts to a similar shot of the labels being stamped on. Cuts to MS of the pickle jars being boxed. Cuts to MS of a women taking the same jars of a shop shelf and placing them in here cart.