This newsreel contains footage of Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower running for reelection, Autherine Lucy, the first black student to attend the University of Alabama and the protest from white Southerners, boycotts against segregated buses in Alabama, and Martin Luther King Jr. speaking.Begins with illustration of the US but the middle is filled with video of men in hats. Cuts to Adlai Stevenson walking down airstairs and waving to people off camera. He then walks through a crowd shaking hands. Cuts to Eisenhower going through a crowd and shaking hands. Cuts to Eisenhower and his wife placing votes into a ballot box. WS of a large crowd waving their hats. MS of Eisenhower onstage (likely at a convention), a group of supporters wave flags in FG. MS of Eisenhower and Nixon in front of a large American flag. Cuts to MS exterior of a building as Autherine Lucy and 2 other women walk towards a courthouse. CU of Lucy on the stairs. Cuts to MS of a hoard of white men running, shots of police escorting a black man through a crowd of white men, more shots of white men running. WS of an empty bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Another empty bus drives by. MS of a carpool with a group of black women entering a car, another woman stands outside with an umbrella. Shot of people walking through a crosswalk. Cuts to more empty buses. Cuts to MS interior of a church, mostly black women are seated in pews. CU of Martin Luther King Jr. speaking. Various shots of King and the crowd. Ends with a black man in a suit leading a song.