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This clip features footage of Khrushchev’s visit to the United States, including a trip to a farm in Iowa and to a factory in Pittsburgh. Open on a MS of Khrushchev speaking at a dinner in Hollywood, then a map insert of his next leg of travel. MS of him at a farm in Iowa, shots of him observing farm work. LS at a Pittsburgh factory, then MWS from above of Khrushchev walking through. MS of him shaking hands with a factory worker. Cut to WS of factory workers looking at the camera. LS of the grounds of a house, mostly trees, followed by a MWS of Khrushchev and Eisenhower, with MCUs of both. Next comes Eisenhower speaking about Krushchev’s visit in MCU. MS of a plane, and MS of Eisenhower getting in the plane for a tour of Europe.