This clip is of Martin Luther King’s funeral and includes footage of RFK arriving in LA before he was later assassinated. LS of women walking away with a large bag in hand. Cut to LS of federal troops firing off smoke bombs. MWS of the soldiers with smoke bombs going off in BG. A VO accompanies the images. MWS of a crowd as Robert Kennedy speaks. Movement down to the crowd he is speaking to. MS of a woman in funeral dress, then MWS of her over Martin Luther King Jr.’s coffin. MS of a family around the coffin. LS of a crowd walking down a street, surrounding the coffin being drawn by two donkeys. WS of Kennedy in the crowd, then one of Nixon as well. CU of the wheel of the wagon that draws the MLK, Jr., on. The crowd sings. LS of a march on Washington. Cut to LS of the march with Washington Monument in BG. LS of Kennedy disembarking a plane, then MS of Kennedy shaking hands with people on the tarmac. More people greet him as he arrives at the Ambassador Hotel, shots of him shaking hands with members of the crowd. LS of him taking to the podium, people’s hands outstretched towards him. MS of him beginning to speak at the California primary.