Clip “Babes in the Woods!” Side shot of campers picking up bows and arrows, with counselors. Shot from behind of boys shooting at a target. A large group of children sit at a picnic table to learn fly fishing with a very stern instructor; he haltingly, dryly explains how to wrap a fly fishing bait. The kids look miserable and serious. WS children standing in a line on the dock. MS the instructor shows how to cast a line. CU bell ringing and WS of the kids running up from the lake for lunch. MSs kids in long haphazard line for lunch, dished out from wooden tables. Shots of kids sitting on grass eating together; CU on really cute little boy biting into a huge hot dog; really cute little girl chewing with older girl (counselor?) and younger girl. Camp members all circle around a flagpole. The American flag is lowered by one male and one female counselor, with the kids watching, and then folded up.