Shot of medicine table with metal rod with spiral on the end. Woman in white goes up and picks rod up as narrator speaks of how the young girl doesn’t like to allow herself to be examined. Woman walks away. Shot of girl on cot through cross link gate. Two women stand near her, mother reaching in to grab her face. The narrator says they try to convince her to take the examination. Close up of them wagging fingers, trying to shame her to take test. Long shot of her crying as they push her back on to cot and try to open her legs. Shot of her on bed slapping their hands away. Close up of her crotch. They place spiral rod on her vagina. They slowly push it in as she cries and squirms. Narrator says examination is positive. Shot of the girl on bed clasping and shaking mother’s hands. Her honor is in tact. Mother kisses her head. They lightly pat her back and bottom. She gets up and puts her dress back on. Shot of women clapping and kissing her on each cheek. Shot of mother and daughter leaving.