Film introduces Charles Peterson, instructor of billiards and demonstrates various tips for playing billiards. Begins with shot of college basketball player being carried on shoulders of fellow students. Elderly man appears in doorway and waves greeting and "the hero is forgotten." Shot of students rushing towards elderly man, dumping basketball player to floor. Narrator introduces man as Charles Peterson, instructor of billiards, as scene transitions to room with billiards table and seats for onlookers. Shot of Peterson demonstrating that the head should be directly over the cue. Shot of Peterson demonstrating how to hold the cue. Shot of Peterson demonstrating the correct distance of cue from ball. Shot of Peterson demonstrating how not to hold the butt end of the cue: "a strangled hold on the butt end of the cue is a fine way to get yourself all in a dither." Shot of Peterson demonstrating how to hold cue lightly. Shot of Peterson making a shot while narrator says: "Just watch Peterson and you too will soon be a billiards champion!