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Various home movie segments. Scenes in color and black and white.Color: Group shot of children in dress clothing holding folded up pieces of paper with ribbon around it. Adults stand behind them as camera pans over the congregation. Cut to a long shot of the children and some older adolescents lined up axially to the screen in twos down a sidewalk. They hold hands with the person next to them and their tied paper in the other hand as they walk towards and past the camera. Then to a medium shot of the children lined up as if for a group picture in front of the camera as it pans over them. Cut to a group of older adolescents doing the same. Exterior of a house from the street, a car drives past.Black and White: A family leaves a house including children and two women each holding a baby that look very similar. Then a shot of more people exiting the house including more women holding babies. and an older man who takes his hat off. More people exit and line up along the side of the house in the backyard with all the children and babies. Exterior shot of what looks like a brick school or church where adolescents walk out and toward the camera smiling. Cut to a long shot facing them as they walk down a sidewalk with the building to the screen’s right hand side. Then a shot of an older girl and boy walking from the same area, the camera gets very close to the boy’s face. Then a shot of a young girl running away from the camera towards the place from which the children came then walking towards the camera again. Camera pans to the right where other girls around the same age giggle and laugh.