Promotional film about San Francisco. Narrator continues speaking about dining experiences in the city. Man and woman being served curry. CU of crab coming out of steaming pot. Man hacking off the legs of a crab. CU of crab legs. CU of fried seafood. Shot of man in sunglasses eating a hot dog on the beach by a hot dog stand. Shots of the ocean at various times of day. Shot of man and woman at a candlelit dinner as man lights woman’s cigarette. Shot of the city street (possibly Columbus St. in North Beach) lit up at night with neon signs with the words, “Cocktails” and “Restaurant” imposed over the shot. The Fun House at Playland. Shots of a carnival at night. Various shots of things the narrator describes as “exciting” in San Francisco: balloons, fireworks, a hockey game, a parade. Shots of a football game and a marching band marching across the field.