Film demonstrating how a TV studio works. Shot of building with sign saying, "Television City." Shot of bus with painted letters: "WFN-TV Television Channel 9/ Mobile Unit." Shots of people unloading camera equipment from bus. Narrator describes this as, "a TV station on wheels." Shot of narrator on stage holding a microphone in front of a curtain and a red car. Another shot of cameras capturing a TV program. Shot of control room with people managing controls. Shot of projection room. Shot of transmitter master control room [?]: room full of plugs and wires. Outside shot of small studio building with transmitter to the side. Shot of camera panning up transmitter antenna. Shot of narrator saying, "It's about time for our News and Weather show." Shot of control room and director saying, "One minute everybody, one minute til air time." Shot of WMTV camera. Shot of man preparing chalk board for weather program. Shot of director's face. Shot of man in projection room saying, "All ready." Shot of clock on wall which reads 4 o'clock.