Shot of town/city street with great vintage/classic cars driving by in amazing color. A police man stands on a white circle in the center of the intersection to guide traffic. Long shot of busy sidewalk with peole aling by. Medium shot of two men looking at blueprints at a construction site. Medium shot of construction mechanism scooping up a large pile of dirt at a residential construction site. Long shot containing the front of a house, a family, and movers moving furniture into the home. Medium long shot of a mother with two small girls opening the front door from outside for movers to bring furniture in. Exterior shot of a brick school house with kids rolling up on bikes and bicycles parked all around. Canted medium long shot facing up a slide as three little girls slide down at a park with children playing around them. Medium close up shot of kids on see saws. Long shot of kids climbing up jungle gym. Long shot of two boys walking bikes across a bridge over water in a park. Close up of milk crate as man grabs it and carries it to the front door cutting to a long shot of an old woman in apron sweeping her front stoop. Medium close up of a woman pinning laundry up on a clothes line. Long shot of a mail man delivering mail to a woman in blue who is holding her screen door open. Slightly upward angled medium shot of an older man varnishing the bottom of a boat. Medium shot of a beautiful woman watering flowers in a green house. Medium long shot of firemen cleaning/working on fire trucks in the station. Downtown sidewalk scene with people milling about.