MS of a fence on fire and a man rides a horse and jumps over the fence. Intertitle: Otto and Freddie- two slaphappy clowns! Two clowns stand in the middle of the ring and fake fight, one throws a punch and a kick and the other falls to the ground. A clown dressed as a monkey and a police officer hits a bell with a hammer. The police clown joins the other two in the ring who continue to fight and push each other. The one goes to hit the other and hits the cop instead, knocking him to the ground. The other clown is then punched and falls. Intertitle: Clyde Beatty, the most fearless man on earth - face to face with the King of Beasts! A lion tamer stands in the center of a cage surrounded by tigers and lions that are seated on stools. The tamer holds a whip and a chair, a lion roars and rushes at him and he shoves the chair at him. He directs one tiger over several stools ad then onto a higher one. A tiger and a lion fight on their stools. The man approaches a lion who paws at him. CU of him using the whip. He raises a stick towards 2 lions who stand on their hind legs. Intertitle: Daring mid-air marvels- the Flying Thrillers! Several shots of trapeze artists. They flip and jump to several trapezes. They flip and jump on to one another.