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Close up shot of doctor’s hands pushing on girls feet, testing strength in muscles. Cut to shot of her Condition on Admission. Cut to shot of doctor and nurse on either side of her bed. She sits up and her head lags. Doctor presses on forehead and she has trouble pushing back. Voice over says she cannot flex her neck. Shot of her lying back down. Close up of doctor lifting her head up and down, feeling her neck. Voice over says there is no rigidity. He pushes her shoulders on the bed and she shakes her head, the announcer says because she cannot lift her head at all. The doctor tests strength by pushing hand against either side of her head. Cut to shot of the history of her present illness. Voice over talks about progression of symptoms. Shot of doctor leaning over bed, trying to lift her up by neck. And back down, she looks stiff. Shot of him testing strength in her arms by pushing against her hands. Voice over and picture show she has weakness in the right tricep.