Coverage of the 36th Annual Academy Awards. The Academy Awards. PAN of the Academy Awards Theater, cars drive in FG. 36th Annual Academy Awards, Academy of Motion Picture. WS interior of the filled theater. Overhead lights turn on as a presenter walks onstage. The formally dressed crowd claps. Gregory Peck stands at the podium and announces the best actress for Patricia Neal. Another woman accepts the award on Neal’s behalf and shakes hands with Peck. The crowd claps again. Frank Sinatra stands at the podium and announces the winner for best picture: Tom Jones by Tony Richardson. Another man accepts the award and shakes Sinatra’s hand. The audience claps. Anne Bancroft announces the winner for best actor: Sidney Poitier. Poitier walks onstage and takes the Oscar as he kisses Bancroft’s cheek. MS of a man in a tux with a camera. Poitier stands by the smiling Bancroft and delivers a speech at the podium. He smiles and is very emotional. He takes Bancroft’s hand as they walk offstage.