CU of Lombard and Hyde street signs crossing. Series of views from the top of Lombard street. Lampost and road sign in foreground. Shot of a cocker spaniel sitting on side of street. Cut to shot of cocker spaniel walking on sidewalk. Quick shot of rooftops. Close shots of cars driving slowly down Lombard Street. Shot of car from behind, two people visible inside. Shot looking down street. More shots of cars driving down Lombard Street from front view and long view. Long shot overlooking Bay area. Close shot of woman standing in foreground, Bay in the background. Shot of another woman standing in foreground with bay in background. Shot of cable car going down steep San Francisco street. Shot from front of cable car going down street, boy clings to side of it. Aerial shot of building with bay in background. Another long shot of telephone lines with bay in background. Series of shots of port of San Francisco and piers. Shot of cable car going up the street, more shots of telephone lines. Shots of cars on street, limo in foreground of shot. Shot of street looking down hill.