A small herd of cows graze in field in front of a barn. A horse stands at the front of the barn as two farmhands lead a few cows towards the barn. A shot of cows being herded through a gate by a man on horseback. Prospectors in hats stand on rocky hills and make measurements using a telescope and tripod. Shot of an explosion, probably mining related. Camera mounted on front of a car shoots a moving WS of the Grand Canyon. Pan of Grand Canyon. Still image of two young men reclining with pipes look out over the canyon. Pueblo buildings built into the cliff face with a series of ladders leading to them. Men climb a ladder and enter the doorway of a cliff dwelling. A steam engine train travels through a city. Moving shot of small houses along rail road tracks. Train carrying coal passes by landscape with shrubs. A model T drives along dirt road, leaving a cloud of dust behind it. Car drives into canyon valley. Wide shot of horse drawn plows in fields of wheat. Dark shot where only moving headlights are visible. The model T parked in a desert with tall cacti. Quick shot of dark, stormy sky. Montage of desert rock formations. A field of many cacti.