On the merit of black culture, the inattention paid to it as a meaningful part of American culture, and the tragedy of the perception of white culture as superior; treated as distinct communities. CU of woman in sunglasses laughing. She and light skinned woman brush the fur of their black poodle. Black man, well-dressed, takes down sail of a boat. CU man in black collared shirt and glasses playing golf with another black man. CU black hands counting out crisp bills; MS from high angle of the man with the bills. (VO suggests these are middle class breadwinners). CU woman wearing pink putting on makeup in the mirror. CU of women’s faces at a gathering, one woman talks passionately about how the myth of success for “the man” is restricted to the white “man” but success can be achieved regardless of color; talks about her own success. (Repeated use of word “man” rather than a gender-neutral term.) Shot of black people on the street with coke advertisement in the background. MS of woman with camera around her neck, afro, and men’s shirt on.