Camera zooms in on lake surrounded by trees, music plays. Narrator begins to talk as camera cuts to shot of baby bear cubs on water’s edge. MLS of them playing. Long shot of them playing on opposite bank. MCU of cub swimming. Shots of cubs playing and running through water. Shot of baby bear running towards tree, slows down next to it. Shot of tree, bear comes into frame. Camera zooms in. CU shot of baby bear coming upon a frog. Bear climbs up tree. CU of bear in tree. Narrator talks about how he has yet to distinguish what is actually dangerous. Woods shots. MCU of squirrels in tree. Various shots of squirrels. CU of baby squirrels in nest. Shot of tree, squirrel in hole. CU of squirrel on branch eating. MLS of tree. MLS of fox coming up to tree. Narrator talk of all the dangers for squirrel and how it’s brain is always on alert.
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