WS of small suburban house with a tree out front. CU of an American flag waving in front of it. WS of different suburban houses with a waving American flag. WS of a 4 lane highway with flags hanging from light posts. WS looking down the highway, flags wave on the light post all the way to a church at the end of the street. CU of the American flag and the California flag waving at the top of a flag pole. CU of a sign on a door reading “Closed in Honor of Everett Alvarez Jr. Day.” WS down a local street with flags hanging from power lines across it. WS of an empty highway. CU of a sign that have a red, white, and blue heart that says “We Love You.”CU of a large poster that reads “Comander Alvarez Jr.” WS of suburban neighborhood. WS of an empty playground. WS of the first sign reading (in full) “Santa Clara Welcomes Home... Navy Lt. Comander Everett Alvarez Jr.”