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Footage of smog and pollution in an urban landscape. WS of a smoke stack emitting pollution and smoke. CU of a light post covered in smog. WS of a farm covered in smoke. CU of a sign in German. WS of a city street, a car with its headlights on is almost invisible in the smog, drives toward the camera and becomes more visible. WS of smoke rising from a forest. WS of a waterfall in a forest from afar. WS of the shore of a lake with smoke above it. WS of a large lecture hall with many chairs and desks. Very few people are in attendance. WS of young hippies marching in a parade or protest. WS of a docked sail boat with a sign “Noah’s Ark” posted on the side. Posters hand along the side. WS of a small motor boat on the water with a large sign raised above it reading “People Before Profit.” CU of trash floating in the water. CU of pollution entering the body of water. WS of people on a beach covered in trash and pollution. WS of people walking along a clean beach with no pollution. WS from a helicopter of a sinking ship. CU of oil washing up on the shore of a beach. CU of crabs covered in black oil. MS of a man on the oil spill beach picking up a large mass covered in oil. CU of duck walking along the beach. WS of large sinking ship with oil leaking all around it. WS of large metal dome building. CU of a sign reading “Radioactivity Controlled Area, Radiation Area.” WS of the interior of the radioactive control area. CU of sticker that reads “Radioactive.”