Takes a look at the possibilities and implications of human genetic engineering. Panning CUs of cardboard models of the double helix molecule of DNA on a white wall. Sign taped to glass door: "Suzuki expands life." Pan up to a drawing of a fruit fly above the door. Geneticist David Suzuki (with a beard and long hair) against black background, wearing fruit fly wings. "Science for the People" poster including a hand holding a beaker, parody of the raised-fist "power to the people" logo. Caricature of Suzuki with a finger growing out of his upper lip. Man dressed all in black standing in front of the "Science for the People" poster. Suzuki laughing, panning to a large picture of fruit flies having sex. Suzuki talking to the man in black and pointing out pictures. CU of fruit flies in a bottle. Panning shots of glass bottles containing white liquid. CU of a hand using a pointer to rearrange genetic material on white tray. CU of equipment in a genetic laboratory.