Clip opens with shot of water and pans over the water to the Chateau Grimaldi which is a museum solely devoted to Picasso. Shot of door to museum. The building is panned showing the archways. Inside the museum Picasso's work is displayed on the walls. Shot of painting of cat playing a flute, Picasso's ceramics sculptures, ceramic plates arranged and displayed on the wall. CU of plate depicting man on horse holding a gun, bull facing the horse and matador in the background. Shot of life size ceramic figure of man holding a sheep. Title of sculpture: "Man With A Sheep." Shot of one of Picasso's painting depicting a headless person, serpent and man with his head down. Next painting is of four nude women. Next painting is of men on horseback, Harlequin and winged horse. Clip ends with shot of painting of man's face with horns coming out of his head holding a horse.