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Man rolls up sleeve. Camera pans down arm to reveal track marks/scars. Hands rolling drugs in paper. Dissolve to hands flicking through book ‘Histoire Peuple de Dieu’. After a few pages it is revealed that the book is largely hollow. A man fills the hollow with little packages of drugs. He then fills a bow with this book and others. A police officer searches a man’s trunk. Sign for ‘Hut Chinsom Brokers’ seen behind them. Cops stopping cars in the street. Cars drive below a ‘Civic Center’ sign on the freeway. Downtown Los Angeles can be seen. Dissolve to two hands placing shot glasses full of a dark liquid on a table. Own hand pulls a book across the table from the other person’s hand. Fingers drumming on the table. A man cuts powder in a saucer with a razor. He scoops a bright white powder from a dish into the saucer and mixes the powder together. He then pours the powder into a little triangle of paper, and carefully folds it.