Universal Newspaper Newsreel title card reads, "Coast Artilleryman break anti-aircraft firing speed record / Fort McArthur, Cal." The camera pans across anti-aircraft artillery guns firing as military men look on in the foreground at Fort McArthur in San Pedro, Los Angeles, California. A plane tows a practice target of cloth and shrapnel bombs explode around the target. The men hold the practice target up to the camera. The title reads, "Engineers, on visit to Mono-Railway, plan American Line / Elberfeld, Germany" A monorail pulls into the station and there is a nice point of view shot form the monorail as it rides along the track. It passes over city streets and a river before pulling into a station and people get off and on. There is a nice shot from inside the monorail car and two passengers and drivers can be seen in the static shot.