Voice-over narration throughout. Universal Newsreel. "N.Y. Yanks Find Their Place in the Florida Sun". moving long shot of baseball players walking the bases one after another in a line. Medium shot of baseball players leap-frogging over each other. Close up shot of one player rubbing a baseball bat over another players stomach. Close up shot of lined up bats being picked up from ground. Close up shot of a pitcher throwing the ball. Close up shot of the catcher catching the ball and throwing it back to the pitcher. Medium shot of the pitcher throwing the ball, a left handed batter hitting the ball, second baseman catching the ball and throwing it back to the pitcher. Medium shot of another left handed batter hitting the ball, running and sliding into the rest of the team who is blocking the base and laughing. 

Medium shot of the St. Louis Cardinals team running the bases. Close up shot of two players standing facing the camera and chewing bubble gum. Close up shot of a batter hitting the ball and running. An outfielder catches it and throws it to third base as the player slides in on his stomach to touch the base. Medium shot of a man setting up his golf ball and lining up his swing on the golf course.