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Promotional video for 1970s TV Show starring Paul Sand. Clip starts with title: "Who is Paul Sand?" A question mark is over layered on top of Paul's face. Cut to shots of various people answering the question with confusion, none of the people seem to know the character. After a few responses, the 6th person answers the stated question "Paul Sand is an actor" Cut to Paul Sand, sitting in a director's chair, talking to the camera "You might have seen me on the Carroll Bernnet Show...". Sand continues to list TV Shows and Films that he has appeared in, "Now I've got my own show... and it's called Friends and Lovers" Cut to shots from the show: Sand walking down the street, riding the bus, carrying an upright bass. Continue onto interior shots of Sand's interaction with other characters from the show. Cut back to Sand, "This is a part I can really sink my teeth into..." Scenes of Sand on the show, answering the phone sketch, slapstick, narration: "The character I play is a witty urbane fellow.." Cut to end title, narration: "Paul Sand, Paul who? This year everyone will know.."