Ike in Panama- Urges Atom Plan for Hemisphere; June 1956; We see a quick arial view of Panama, then we see President Eisenhower as he deplanes (down a PAA stairway) there and is greeted by the President of Panama and others who will be attending the western hemisphere meeting. A crowd is shown gathered outside the building, then we see its interior where presidents of each nation sit around a long table. Others, including movie cameramen, look on.

Operation Alert- Mock H-Bomb Attack Tests Civil Defense; Inside a big office room in Washington DC's defense administration building, we see people sitting at desks in front of many machines and on phones, managing the response to the simulated attack. A siren sounds and police herd civilians into the subway. Back in DC, at the Pentagon, we see men get into a large helicopter to be taken to safety. As civilians are led out of a New York City subway terminal, a large "Camel" sign is seen in the background.