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Footage of a fashion show in Berlin during the ‘70s.

Begins with an exterior shot of where the show is taking place, the Palais am Funkturm. A red banner on the Palais reads, “Berliner Interchic,” likely a reference to the fashion show taking place inside.

Tall, youthful, beautiful models showcase perhaps the latest clothing line from a designer. The models appear to be following a routine, moving back and forth, posing, looking at the audience, and strutting away. The clothing includes lots of plaids, pastel and earthy colors, and clothing for cold weather like coats, scarves, and long skirts with poncho-like tops.

The show has a large audience, with young, middle-aged, and old. They watch the models with intrigue, pensiveness, surprise, and delight. Some people are nodding their heads rhythmically, suggesting that some cool music is being played to liven up the atmosphere, both for the audience and models.