This clip shows President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ("FDR") speaking to the the American people, asking them to purchase US war bonds to help fund the war against America's enemy. Accompanying FDR's plea is footage of military combat, set to swelling patriotic tunes, and a short speech by Philip Murray, president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (the “CIO”), who speaks about a savings plan for American workers that is helping the federal government finance the war.  

The clip begins with the seal of the President of the United States, which then segues to FDR speaking to the camera. 

A war bond appears on the screen.

The war footage includes warships firing, soldiers getting off a boat and walking through water to get to the shore, a soldier loading a missile, a ship exploding in the water, three soldiers riding a tank, a naval sailor climbing up a rope tied to a ship's dock while waves crash around him, and various wounded soldiers being cared for. 

The war bond reappears and its backside is shown. 

Philip Murray, the president of the CIO, speaks about the payroll savings plan, which 27 million Americans are enrolled in. As Murray himself states, the plan is a way for American workers to purchase bonds in service of the war, but also a kind of push for peace as well as a fight against inflation.