This clip shows billboard and magazine advertisements for cigarettes in the 1970s. Some ads seem to suggest health benefits to certain cigarettes.
Close-up of a cigarette ad reads, “Only 8 mg tar. Yet tastes so good, you won’t believe the numbers.”
One billboard says “Merit! ‘Enriched flavor,’ low tar” and another says “Parliament. The low-tar cigarette with the recessed tip.”
Two ads give lengthy endorsements. One ad is for Fact cigarettes, a particular brand of cigarette, and how they reduce gas, nicotine, and tar concentrations. Another ad is for Doral, yet another brand, and how Doral's low-tar concentration does not lessen the cigarette's taste.
The clip ends with two more ads: One shows a woman with red lipstick and fingernails smoking Chesterfield cigarettes, and another on the side of a bus is for Carlton cigarettes.