Clip shows young men surfing in the 1960s as well as humorous, experimental images.

Begins with a shot of animated red paint. Close-up of a toddler on a beach with a large red dot on its forehead. There's a close-up shot of someone’s eye, surrounded by very red skin, and then a profile shot of a young gorilla. The next sequence depicts colorful moving lights and an onion that peels away to its center; the colorful lights continue with sparklers going off. 

Various young men surf. A shirtless man on the beach seems to hand a rock, or possibly surf wax, to someone outside the frame. A sequence of a man surfing on his knees is interspersed with shots of an illustrated head with its brain exposed. 

We then see a man who rotates on his surfboard while simultaneously riding a wave. The camera then cuts to a red, abstract shot, which vaguely looks like lava falling from the sky. At the end of the clip, even more surfing follows.